Factory Built Fire Code Compliance
States and other jurisdictions have adopted versions of the International Residential Code and legislation that require builders to install fire-protective basement ceiling membranes in new single and two-family homes. Exempted from this requirement are homes with first floor framing of 2X10 dimension lumber and homes with floor systems demonstrating equivalent fire performance to that stated for 2X10 systems. Fire endurance tests of OPEN JOIST 2000 floor trusses have demonstrated equivalent performance to solid dimension 2X10’s.
Section R501.3 of the 2012 International Residential Code, Section R302.12 of the 2015 and 2018 IRC versions, and Pennsylvania House Bill 377 contain the following “Fire Protection of Floors” (Exception 4):
Fire Protection of Floors
Exceptions: 4. Wood floor assemblies using dimension lumber or structural composite lumber equal to or greater than 2-inch by 10-inch nominal dimension or other approved floor assemblies demonstrating equivalent fire performance.
Testing of OPEN JOIST was performed by an approved fire test laboratory according to code protocols and test results were certified by Approved Agency IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Service. UES Report 480 confirms equivalent fire performance to 2X10 dimension lumber.
As a result, there is no need to install a gypsum or wood membrane on the bottom of OPEN JOIST floor trusses used for first floor framing.
Third-party inspection agencies for systems builders suggest that modular manufacturers include a note on their drawings referring to UES 480 and include a copy of the report in the drawing package being provided to a local authority when applying for building permits.
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